A blue and white tooth-shaped logo representing Metro Dental, a dental care provider.
A blue and white tooth-shaped logo representing Metro Dental, a dental care provider.
Metro Dental » News » Tooth Troubles: Exploring Bruxism and Its Remedies
Woman with toothache due to teeth grinding.

Do you often wake up with a sore jaw or headaches? Or perhaps you've noticed unusual wear and tear on your teeth? If so, you might be experiencing bruxism or teeth grinding. In this article, we'll delve into the causes, effects, and treatment options for bruxism to help you better understand and address this dental concern.

Image shows a woman with hands on her face, sleeping with teeth grinding.

What is Bruxism?

Bruxism is the involuntary grinding, clenching, or gnashing of teeth, often in sleep but also during waking hours. This condition affects both adults and children and can lead to various dental and health problems if left untreated.

Causes of Bruxism:

The exact cause of bruxism isn't always clear, but several factors can contribute to its development:

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Stress and Anxiety: Emotional stress, anxiety, or tension often manifests through teeth grinding and jaw clenching, especially during sleep.

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Malocclusion (Misaligned Teeth): When your teeth are misaligned, bruxism may occur as the jaw looks for a comfortable position.

icon indicating a person having trouble sleeping

Sleep Disorders: Bruxism is commonly associated with sleep disorders like sleep apnea.

 icon indicating bad habits such as excessive smoking, drinking and caffeine intake

Lifestyle Factors: Habits such as excessive alcohol consumption, caffeine intake, or smoking can exacerbate bruxism.

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Medications: Certain medications, particularly those used to treat psychiatric disorders, can increase the risk of bruxism.

Effects of Bruxism:

Ignoring bruxism can have serious consequences on both your dental health and overall well-being:

  • Dental Damage: Persistent grinding can wear down tooth enamel, leading to tooth sensitivity, fractures, and even tooth loss.
  • Jaw Pain and TMJ Disorders: Bruxism puts immense pressure on the jaw joint, leading to temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders and chronic jaw pain.
  • Headaches and Facial Pain: The constant muscle tension from clenching and grinding can result in frequent headaches, facial pain, and earaches.
  • Disrupted Sleep: Bruxism can disrupt your sleep patterns, leaving you feeling tired and fatigued during the day.

Treatment Options for Bruxism:

Effective management of bruxism involves addressing the underlying causes and alleviating symptoms. Treatment options include:

  • Long Term Option: 
    • Orthodontics/TMJ therapy: Aligning your teeth to their proper position and correcting your bite is your long-term solution to bruxism as it relieves muscle tension on your Temporo-mandibular joint (TMJ, the joint that connects your lower jaw to your head) and improves your breathing (airways) by positioning your lower jaw in the correct place. This can be done through Invisalign or Dental Braces
  • Short Term Option:
    • Mouthguards or Splints: Custom-fitted mouthguards or splints can protect your teeth from damage by providing a barrier between the upper and lower teeth. This, however, does not resolve the bruxism.
    • Stress Management Techniques: Learning relaxation techniques such as meditation, yoga, or deep breathing exercises can help reduce stress and decrease teeth grinding.
    • Behavioral Therapy: Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) can be beneficial in managing bruxism, especially if stress or anxiety triggers the condition.
    • Medications: In severe cases, muscle relaxants or medications to address underlying sleep disorders may be prescribed by a healthcare professional.
A woman sleeping peacefully in bed, mouth open, with teeth grinding.

If you're experiencing symptoms of bruxism such as teeth grinding, jaw clenching, or facial pain, it's essential to seek professional dental care. At Metro Dental, our experienced team of dentists can diagnose and treat bruxism effectively. Don't let bruxism take a toll on your oral health and quality of life!

A dentist examining a patient's teeth with a dental mirror and probe.

By understanding its causes, effects, and treatment options, you can take proactive steps to manage bruxism or teeth grinding and protect your oral health. Remember, prevention and early intervention are key to preserving your beautiful smile for years to come. Schedule your appointment at Metro Dental today and take the first step towards a healthier, happier smile!
