Need to undergo an oral health exam? Trust only Metro Dental clinics. We provide comprehensive dental x-ray services to ensure our patients get proper assessment and diagnosis of their oral health condition. Our team offers a complete inspection of your teeth, mouth, and jaw structure to ensure you get accurate results and evaluation.
At our clinic, we understand the importance of getting comprehensive dental radiography which is why we only use top-of-the-line equipment in performing the x-ray. Whether it is for a routine dental examination or for diagnosis, we provide complete and detailed x-ray results.
Here at Metro Dental, dental x-rays are typically done during your first dental visit with us.
This allows our team to see and inspect the overall condition of your mouth, teeth, and jaw.
Although there are several instances in which we require our patients to get x-rays for better evaluation primarily to allow us to diagnose certain conditions, which include:
Dental x-rays, which are also called radiographs, are pretty straightforward. The process usually takes a few minutes. Your dentist will ask you to bite into something and the filming process will start. The x-ray film will be available minutes after you've undergone the procedure. It's painless and easy so there's nothing to be scared about.
There are different types of dental x-rays which will depend on the area and kind of information our dentists might need from. To help you understand, we’ve listed down some of the most common types of radiographs:
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